Enrolment process
To support your child’s enrolment, you will need to provide:
- a completed enrolment form
- a copy of the child’s original birth certificate or passport
- court orders if applicable
- medical/healthcare plans if applicable
- residency visa, if you’re a non-Australian resident
- proof of address (for example utility bill or lease agreement).
Visit the school enrolment section on the department’s website for more information.
Changing Schools
You can transfer your child from another school or enrol your child anytime throughout the year. Please contact the school to arrange an enrolment meeting with the Principal.
Reception Students Starting Primary School
The first year of primary school is known as Reception. When your child is eligible to begin school will depend on their date of birth.
Most children start school in the year they turn 5 years of age. Children must be enrolled at school by the age of 6. This is the compulsory starting age for children in South Australia.
Government primary schools have two enrolment intakes, one for children at the beginning of the year (intake 1) and one for children to start school in term 3 (intake 2).
If your child turns 5 years old:
- before 1 May they can start reception in term 1 of that year.
- between 1 May and 31 October, they can start reception in term 3 (mid-year).
- after 31 October they can start reception in the following year.
Children who start reception at the beginning of the year will generally complete 4 terms of reception, while children who start reception through the mid-year intake will complete 6 terms of reception.
Our application process for intake one and intake two opens up 6 months before your child’s intake. You can apply for either the start of the year (intake 1) or the start mid-year (intake 2) through this process. A registration of interest form for Bordertown Primary School will be sent to you through Carol Murray Children’s Centre. Alternatively, you can collect this from the school front office.
Before starting school, you will receive a letter to let you know the transition visit schedule, held during the term prior to starting school and an invitation to attend the parent information session.